Monday, September 26, 2005

5 Simple Things
There's something kind of fun that is making its way around the blogosphere. It is called "Five Simple Things."
It's self explanatory, so here goes:
Mendi's List of Five Simple Things
5 things I plan to do before I die:
1. Dance on stage at a major rock concert
2. Finish my 50 Factoids about Me
3. Practice yoga
4. Make a difference in someone's life
5. Find my true passion
5 things I can do:
1. Swim
2. Juggle
3. Attempt creativity; doesn't always look like the picture in my mind
4. Return emails promptly
5. Wiggle my ears
5 things I cannot do:
1. The splits
2. Balance my checkbook
3. Stop, once I have started, picking at a scab or flakey skin
4. Read sign language or lips
5. Keep my eyes open when I sneeze, either can you!!
5 Things that attract me to the opposite sex:
1. Good teeth
2. The ability to make me laugh
3. Intelligence
4. Blue eyes
5. Strong shoulders and back
5 things I say most often:
1. Excellent
2. I love you
3. Phuck, that is with a ph!
4. Babe-a
5. I love my pussy.
5 celebrity crushes:
1. Johnny Depp
2. Matthew McConaughey
3. Edward Norton
4. Brad; along with every other female
5. Kirk Cameron (in my teen years)
5 people I want to do this next:But they probably need a blog first.
1. Jo Ann
2. Gwen
3. Renee
4. Gina Y.
5. Kim