Well, I am not sure if I have been tagged or not, but I was checking up on my sister's blog and found a little something that lead me to believe that I need to respond??? Should be fun. I am not sure if this is what she had in mind or not...................
Four jobs I have had in my life:
1) Paper route
2) Kentucky Fried Chicken
3) Fleischmann Planetarium
4) Microbiologist
Four movies I could watch over and over again: Or more like movies have I watched more than twice:
1) Dirty Dancing
2) 10 Things I Hate about You
3) Kill Bill (1 & 2)
Four places I have lived:
1) Great Falls, Montana
2) Great Falls, Montana
3) Great Falls, Montana
4) Reno, Nevada
Four TV shows I love to watch:
1) Law & Order: SVU
2) Law & Order: Criminal Intent
3) Gray's Anatomy
4) The Amazing Race
Four places I have been on vacation:
1) Croatia
2) Venezuela
3) Honduras
4) Ireland
Four web sites I visit daily:
1) www.yahoo.com
2) www.pyramid.net
3) www.blogger.com
Four of my favorite foods: (This list is subject to change without notice)
1) Cheese
2) Chocolate
3) Wine
4) Bread
Four places I would rather be right now:
1) Bed
2) On a beach
3) On the couch with my pussy in my lap
Four Friends or Family that have been tagged that I think will respond:
1) Renee
2) Kim
Four jobs I have had in my life:
1) Paper route
2) Kentucky Fried Chicken
3) Fleischmann Planetarium
4) Microbiologist
Four movies I could watch over and over again: Or more like movies have I watched more than twice:
1) Dirty Dancing
2) 10 Things I Hate about You
3) Kill Bill (1 & 2)
Four places I have lived:
1) Great Falls, Montana
2) Great Falls, Montana
3) Great Falls, Montana
4) Reno, Nevada
Four TV shows I love to watch:
1) Law & Order: SVU
2) Law & Order: Criminal Intent
3) Gray's Anatomy
4) The Amazing Race
Four places I have been on vacation:
1) Croatia
2) Venezuela
3) Honduras
4) Ireland
Four web sites I visit daily:
1) www.yahoo.com
2) www.pyramid.net
3) www.blogger.com
Four of my favorite foods: (This list is subject to change without notice)
1) Cheese
2) Chocolate
3) Wine
4) Bread
Four places I would rather be right now:
1) Bed
2) On a beach
3) On the couch with my pussy in my lap
Four Friends or Family that have been tagged that I think will respond:
1) Renee
2) Kim
Ummmm, Ms. Zaftog, are you ever going to update your blog?
Jerri, at April 15, 2006 4:41 PM
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